martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Me as a teacher

My name is Gloria Yaneth Montoya Garcés, I´m a Kinder garden teacher. I studied childhood education at U de A for almost 5 years. Two years ago, I graduated and started to work part time in a private institution. I have worked at different institutions: I worked as a third grade teacher at Instituto Parroquial Jesús de la Buena Esperanza for two years. Later, I started working in public education in a town (El Peñol) with the new school methodology.

Nowadays, after 10 years, I have experienced teaching to teachers in ICT projects like Intel, Entrepares, among others. Personally, I would like to be better in a second language and in my computers skills, because I think these areas are essential for everybody, especially for teachers. When I achieve a high proficiency in English, I would like to travel abroad; however I don’t want to forget my teaching abilities that are why I will study a post degree.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

My English profiency

During 4 years I have participated in an English course (Convenio U de A), but now, I should use this blog to post some activities we have developed in our class. I hope I could use it all the time and share with others.

¡let's begining!

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009


Despues de recuperar este espacio, trataré de dinamizarlo segun las necesidades que se presenten en los procesos de formación y desempeño de los cuales formo parte, para mejorarlo y compartirlo con quienes qusieran utilizarlo. ¡ Es un reto!.