In our schools we have to face different issues among students, colleagues, community, directives, and public policies; also the context around us indirectly involved in the educational process. Although, our work as teachers is essential for the social progress, with our effort we can make big things, sure, we need help; but we can´t wait for external solutions when we could start the change.
In my case, for example, I have to face some issues like absent parents (family), bullying (students), unmotivated or lack commitment (students and teachers), invisible borders (context), the directives or government aren´t involved.
I believe, if each member of the educational community participates in a positive form, we all can change the problems because the school is a social space. Therefore we should establish a balance between duty and responsibility since our role, in an educational process, begins with the reflection “How do my actions affect others?” A school is an opportunity to become a social being starting with the coexistence that is the first step to find solutions.
The role play “running for teacher’s representative” help us to considerer the problems in our institutions and reflect on them.
(Reflection about an especial movie “Freedom writers”)
This movie showed many problems inside and outside the classroom.
The education, as a process, was sometimes unimportant for students and some teachers; but in this case, when a new teacher, Erin, came her first ideas and expectations broke with the reality lived in that institution. This happened almost all the time when we start to work. However, she reaffirmed her vocation, her conviction and applied strategies to change that reality; to face the negative attitudes among her students; to find positive values in their minds and souls, so they could be better persons; and to do a life project according to their stories and expectations.
A strong tool, that teachers have, is our wish to make a better world. Therefore, our actions could be taken although our students are alone; although our environment shows us wrong ways (drugs, easy life) and uncertain future.
Every day, there is a big opportunity to learn about ourselves and in life everything is a choice and our students could be all they want to be with effort and commitment. We can help them by considering the basic human values, the legality, and the coexistence.
The phrase “each cause has a consequence” is true, it only depends on our attitude toward life and life events.
We are fighting against new and invisible enemies, but we can overcome them.